Abdominal toning is one of those procedures that, while impactful enough on its own, really begins to shine when you combine it with other procedures. Why? Because most other procedures that focus on contouring the body benefit from addressing two areas at once.
By using liposuction in the abdomen and flanks, a practiced and effective method of body contouring, Dr. Patel can create more dramatic body contouring results.
Whether it is the appearance of abs or that timeless hourglass figure, Dr. Patel recommends abdominal toning in every situation where he believes it would be impactful. Particularly, though, his storied career as a plastic surgeon and the experience he has amassed has shown him that these four procedures in particular (almost) always do well with abdominal toning.
1. Breast Augmentation
A breast augmentation focuses on increasing the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. The goal of this increase is to create curves that many women associate with femininity in the hope of bolstering confidence and comfort with their own bodies. Breast augmentation excels at achieving that goal.
What many women don’t realize, and what many surgeons without Dr. Patel’s expertise don’t suggest, is that breast size is only one part of the equation. When a woman with a larger frame goes to a DD size, it is not as noticeable or dramatic as a woman with a small frame. The same can be said for the contours leading up to the breasts.
When a woman with a defined abdominal contour increases her breast size, the new appearance is highlighted and complemented by the abdominal curves. If a woman similar in size had the same increase in breast volume, it might not be as impactful. Not every woman needs help achieving those curves, but most women find that a little abdominal toning can go a long way toward improving their ideal appearance.
2. Breast Reduction
Women who are looking for a breast augmentation want to increase the size of their breasts, while women who are looking for a reduction feel as though the size of their breasts doesn’t fit the aesthetic they want or they are having medical issues like back pain. But at the end of the day, a reduction achieved the same thing that augmentation does: a more balanced bodily contour — it just goes about it differently.
Removing breast tissue will change your entire appearance. If you were happy with the way your abdomen moved into your breast curves before, you may find now that the same bodily contour doesn’t fit your new size. For this reason, abdominal contouring can be done simultaneously with breast reduction to ensure that your ideal curvature is maintained.
Dr. Patel can work with you to determine if the reduction of your breast size will go well with abdominal contouring. Not every woman will need the extra procedure, but when it helps, Dr. Patel will always bring it up as an option.
3. Male Breast Reduction
Male breast reduction is technically the same as female breast reduction. But while most women are looking to decrease their bust size, men are looking to get rid of them entirely. This is done mostly in the hopes that a more traditionally masculine appearance can be achieved. Unfortunately, removing the breasts alone isn’t usually enough to give a patient their ideal appearance.
By adding an additional body contouring step, Dr. Patel can help most men improve the appearance of their abs and remove unwanted pockets of fat on the flanks and belly. A smoother chest coupled with more defined muscle gets most men closer to that ideal body aesthetic that they would love to flaunt.
4. Thigh Lift
A thigh lift is slightly different from either breast changes or a Brazilian Butt Lift. The thighs are another area of the body that, when out of harmony with the rest of the body, can also hide the type of curves that people want to accentuate. While many women find that fat accumulation occurs strongly in the thighs, it is reasonably common for women also to notice a build-up of unwanted fat on the abdomen.
When you are looking to improve the shape of your thighs to accentuate your buttocks, you can’t forget about the opposite side of the equation. Even with the legs of your dreams, an unbalanced abdomen can still throw off your target appearance. But by combining a thigh lift with abdominal toning via liposuction, you can create ideal lines leading up to the curves you actually want to bring attention to. This is a potent tool in your aesthetic journey.
Ready to Get Started?
If you would like to learn more about how Dr. Patel can help you achieve a balanced figure you’ve always dreamed of, call our office at (732) 354-3792. We are located in Freehold, NJ, and our team here looks forward to helping you throughout this entire process. While most people benefit from abdominal toning, Dr. Patel will never suggest additional treatment unless he believes it will work toward your unique goals.