You may have heard about SculpSure. There is a lot of buzz about this non-invasive laser for eliminating fat.
Here is a video about SculpSure on The Doctors TV show:
In the video, patient, Amira, says: “I was getting frustrated, because, no matter how much I worked out, my body had some problem areas!”
Nationwide, the following are just some of the reasons why people have explored SculpSure:
42 Years Old, Active but Can’t Get Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat
26 – 125lbs – Need Fat GONE for a Vacation in July!
33 Year Old Mother of Two Needing Help with Stubborn Belly/baby Fat!
Locally, Dr. Nikesh Patel from New Reflections Plastic Surgery offers this innovative procedure.
If you’re not quite ready for Liposuction, learn more about SculpSure and contact Dr. Patel to get your body ready for the Summer!