For our patients looking for enhancement without surgery, we simply cannot say enough good things about the Thermi procedures. This innovative device can address a variety of aesthetic concerns from head to toe, giving us the necessary tool to treat a plethora of aging issues in a single treatment. Whether you are looking to tighten up the skin, smooth away wrinkles or even rejuvenate your personal areas, Thermi may be the right technology for you. Check out these three reasons why we have learned to love Thermi treatments at New Reflections Plastic Surgery.

Versatile Treatment

The Thermi device harnesses radiofrequency energy to address a host of aging symptoms. Choices in Thermi treatments include:


This procedure delivers radiofrequency energy to produce subdermal skin tightening. The RF energy heats the underlying dermal layers to constrict tissue and tighten skin from the inside out. At the same time, the procedure stimulates collagen production by the body that extends the results of your procedure and enhances the naturally firm appearance of the treatment area. ThermiTight can work on any of the following areas:

  • Neck and jawline areaff
  • Arms and breasts
  • Abdomen and midsection
  • Thighs and knees

As ThermiTight firms the skin, it also enhances the body contour to create a smoother, slimmer appearance.


As a procedure that works as effectively on the face as well as the body, ThermiSmooth concentrates on smoothing the skin to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and cellulite. This procedure utilizes the same RF energy used during a ThermiTight treatment, but in this case, the surface of the skin is targeted to produce a smoother texture and appearance. ThermiSmooth can also work on a variety of treatment areas, including:

  • Facial areas – forehead, eyes, cheeks and mouth
  • Jawline and neck Chest, breasts and upper arms
  • Abdomen, waistline and back
  • Hips, thighs and buttocks
  • Knees, lower legs and ankles


The radiofrequency energy of the Thermi device can even be used to rejuvenate a vaginal area that has become lax and stretched over time. The procedure restores tightness to the vaginal area, eliminating many of the uncomfortable symptoms associated these changes. One of the biggest improvements is the reversal of vaginal dryness, a common complaint that causes irritation and painful intercourse. As lubrication increases, women find their comfort level and their enjoyment of intimacy with their partners improves as well.

ThermiVa also has a positive impact on urinary incontinence, a problem frequently seen in the menopausal years. This problem is a significant social concern for many women as leakage can occur with laughing, exercise or coughing, causing embarrassment and self-consciousness. Most of these benefits are often seen after the very first treatment, although a series of three sessions will provide you with the best results.

Gentle, Comfortable Procedure

No matter which Thermi treatment you choose, you can rest assured your procedure will be relatively comfortable and even soothing in some cases. Patients often compare the Thermi technology to a warm stone massage, without the need for anesthesia or a recovery period afterward. Most Thermi treatments take one hour or less to complete and you should be able to return to your daily life immediately following your procedure with few side effects to worry about.

Quick, Long-Lasting Results

Unlike other non-surgical cosmetic procedures, our patients often see results from Thermi treatments in just one or two treatment sessions. Other procedures may take many more treatment sessions to achieve full results, which creates a larger time and money commitment overall. At the same time, the results seen with Thermi treatments can last many months or even years before a subsequent procedure is needed. One reason the results endure so long is that the device works with the natural processes of the body to actually reverse the effects of time.

Thermi treatments are a popular choice at New Reflections Plastic Surgery, due to their comfort, effectiveness and long-lasting results. To learn more about your choices in these procedures, contact New Reflections Plastic Surgery today at 732-354-3792.